Sponsor a ChildRescuing a child from bondage, whether it be sex slavery, human trafficking, or forced labor, that is only the first step in the the long road back to a normal life. As a child makes this journey, there are many needs for the basics such as food, clothing, and medical attention. If you would be able to make a commitment to sponsor a child through this process, you would be changing a life forever.
Attend our Selection Course
For our volunteers looking to go down range, we offer the opportunity for you to join us on mission. Our Selection Course is a 4 day event where you are observed as you complete individual and team based tasks similar to what would be experienced on a mission.
Give a DonationOperating any organization takes time and resources. If you are able to contribute financially, please hit the "Donate" button below. If you would like addition information on how you will be directly impact thousands of lives, please message us and we would be delighted to send you our Sponsor Package.
Your time is valuable. But if you feel you can contribute a little bit of it towards the goal of rescuing those from oppression and changing lives forever, we have a multitude of different positions we are always looking to fill. Everything from legal, financial, and medical professionals, to fundraising teams, and down range Operators. If are excited and passionate about helping others, there is a place for you here. Please shoot us a message and we'll get you plugged in and making a difference in no time!
Corporate SupportOur corporate sponsors provide us the ability to obtain resources that would other wise be difficult for us to procure. If you are a business owner or represent a business and would like more information about being a Sponsor or running a campaign in partnership with us, please contact as we'll connect with you about the first steps and moving forward. Thank you!
Sponsor a HouseLiberators Alliance uses safe houses all around the world to provide temporary housing for those rescued from oppression. This is their first stop, and step, toward freedom. Please consider sponsoring a safe house so that we can continue to provided safe haven to the freed at this critical point in their journey.